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Ahus, exit report: A good heart for ethical AI

Ahus, exit report: A good heart for ethical AI

Is an algorithm, which is supposed to predict heart failure, able to behave discriminatingly? Is it a symptom of injustice if this AI tool is better at diagnosing one type of patient, rather than others? In this sandbox project, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, Ahus and the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud looked at algorithm bias and discrimination in an artificially intelligent decision-support tool, under development for clinical use at Ahus.


The goal of this sandbox project has been to explore the concepts of “fairness” and “algorithmic bias” in a specific health project, EKG AI. Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) is developing an algorithm for predicting the risk of heart failure in patients. In time, it will be used as a decision-support tool to enable health personnel to provide better and more effective treatment and follow-up of patients. In this sandbox project, we have discussed the possibility of bias in EKG AI, as well as potential measures to prevent discrimination.

Decision-support tools

The preparatory works to the Health Personnel Act make it clear that the term “decision-support tool” shall be broadly understood and that it encompasses all types of knowledge-based aids and support systems, which may provide advice and support, and may guide healthcare personnel in the provision of medical assistance.

Summary of results:

  1. What is fairness? The concept of “fairness” has no legal definition in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but it is a central principle of privacy according to Article 5 of the Regulation. The fairness principle is also central in other legislation, and we have looked to the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act to clarify what the principle entails. In this project, we have assessed EKG AI’s level of fairness with respect to non-discrimination and transparency, the expectations of the data subject and ethical considerations of what society considers fair.
  2. How to identify algorithmic bias? To ensure the algorithm is fair, we have to find out if the EKG AI algorithm returns less accurate predictions for some patient groups. In this project, we chose to look closer at discrimination on grounds of “gender” and “ethnicity”. When checking the algorithm for discrimination, one would normally need to process new personal data, including special categories of personal data. In this context, one must consider the requirements for the legality of processing and the requirements of the principle of data minimisation for proportionate and necessary processing of personal data.
  3. Which measures could reduce algorithmic bias? This sandbox project has highlighted a potential risk of the EKG AI algorithm discriminating against some patient groups. Bias can be reduced through technical or organisational measures. Potential measures for EKG AI include ensuring that the data source is representative, and making sure health personnel have good information and training to make sure the predictions are applied correctly in practice. In addition, Ahus will establish a mechanism for monitoring the accuracy of the algorithm and making sure the algorithm is trained as needed.

Going forward

Ahus wants to try out the algorithm in a clinical setting from early 2024. Clinical decision-support tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are considered medical technical equipment and require a CE marking issued by the Norwegian Medicines Control Authority in order to be implemented in clinical activity.

This sandbox project has highlighted a potential risk of the EKG AI discriminating against some patient groups. Ahus will consider the possibility of conducting a clinical trial to explore whether the algorithm is less accurate and produces less accurate predictions for patients with different ethnic backgrounds (in this report, ethnic background refers to genetic origin). The results of the trial will indicate whether corrective action is necessary in the algorithm’s post-training phase.

In the project period, we have discovered that there is no common, baseline method for identifying algorithmic bias. If we had had more time in the project, we would have developed our own method, based on experiences gained in the project period. In addition, it would have been interesting to dive even deeper into the ethical requirements for the use of artificial intelligence in the health sector.

What is the sandbox?

In the sandbox, participants and the Norwegian Data Protection Authority jointly explore issues relating to the protection of personal data in order to help ensure the service or product in question complies with the regulations and effectively safeguards individuals’ data privacy.

The Norwegian Data Protection Authority offers guidance in dialogue with the participants. The conclusions drawn from the projects do not constitute binding decisions or prior approval. Participants are at liberty to decide whether to follow the advice they are given.

The sandbox is a useful method for exploring issues where there are few legal precedents, and we hope the conclusions and assessments in this report can be of assistance for others addressing similar issues.