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Order to provide information - Shinigami Eyes

Datatilsynet has received multiple complaints against the browser extension «Shinigami Eyes», available for Chrome and Firefox. We have sent an order to provide information to the developer.

Datatilsynet is legally obligated to handle complaints from data subjects. On this basis, Datatilsynet sent an order to provide information to the developer of Shinigami Eyes.

The purpose of Shinigami Eyes appears to be to identify and mark individuals on social media in order to make it clear for potential users of the extension whether they are conversing with or reading the post of someone who are either pro- or anti-trans. The users of the extension is also able to “report” individuals they believe should be marked. The developer has published criteria for how this marking should occur on their website.

Order to provide information

- This case is relevant, beyond its specific factual circumstances. This type of technology may be utilised by anyone, and it is easy to use to also mark other groups (on the internet). If a trend develops where subjective assessments and marking of identifiable individuals is allowed to spread freely, this will entail negative consequences for the internet as a whole and the free and frank exchange of ideas and opinions. To put it bluntly, this form of behaviour could be viewed as taking the law into their own hands, which the Norwegian Data Protection Authority must take a closer look at, says Director Bjørn Erik Thon.

We have also asked a question in order to uncover whether the extension is processing so called “special categories of personal data”, in the sense that the extension might have as its purpose to identify and communicate people’s political opinions to whoever downloads the extension.

The deadline to answer Datatilsynet’s inquiry is set to the 10th of August 2021.


Order to provide information regarding Shinigami Eyes (pdf)